FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are you related to Mihoyo or Genshin Impact?
- We have no relation to either of them. The official merchandise is from the Genshin Impact flagship store in China.

2. Why buy from Genshin Merch?
- As players of Genshin Impact, we understand what other fans/players of the game want because we want the same merchandise ourselves. Thus we are always looking for the latest merchandise, the latest preorder dates and even merchandise outside of the official range sold by the Genshin Impact flagship store in China. 

3. Why are the prices so high for the official merchandise?
- The products are expensive since they are purchased from the Genshin Impact flagship store in China. The prices reflected on this store includes high shipping fees, handling costs and repackaging costs.

4. Who do I look for if I have a question or need help for my purchase(s)?
- You can DM us via IG: genshin.merch or message us via Facebook @genshinmerchandise with your questions and more! Otherwise, you may also reach us at our email hello@genshinmerch.store as well. We promise to get back to you as soon as we can!

5. Is what you are doing illegal? e.g. selling Genshin Impact merchandise.
- We are buying directly from Mihoyo's flagship store in China so your money goes directly through them and you can be assured that the purchases are authentic. What we serve to do is to be a middle man to all the Genshin Impact fans/players out there as we believe that no Genshin Impact fans/players should be region locked when it comes to merchandise.

We are after all, Genshin Impact players ourselves so we understand the notion of wanting to own merchandise but being unable to do so.