Venti Nendoroid Figurine - Flagship Preorder (Late October 2022)

Genshin Merch

Regular price $159.90

Venti is a free-spirited, wine-loving bard in Mondstadt and the current mortal vessel of Barbatos, the Anemo Archon.

Venti has a somewhat recalcitrant, carefree, and playful attitude as well as a liking to rhyming in his speech. He sees a particular worth in music to the point where he names his lyre, saying, "every being deserves a name to be called upon, and woven into a song." He is also bold, not fearing to insult or ignore those who are supposedly powerful.

Venti enjoys roaming around Mondstadt playing songs to his people, most of whom are unaware of his true identity as Barbatos. He is very well-liked due to his musical talent, having won the title "Most Popular Bard of Mondstadt" three times. Venti is also an avid drinker of alcoholic beverages, such as Dandelion Wine and has a high tolerance to alcohol. He is also fine with apple cider. To his disdain, the form he takes causes most bartenders to see him as a minor. In his story quest, it is implied that his constant alcoholism is his way of coping with the loss of a dear friend.

Venti Nendoroid Figurine comes with a free gift when your pre-order is successful. 

The free gift will be shipped separately from the figurine.

However depending on the date and time of delivery, the free gift may be shipped together with the figurine.

Size: 100mm (10cm)
Material: PVC & ABS
*Item consists of the figurine, stand, interchangeable expressions x 3, weapon (skyward harp), lyre*



“What's that? You think I should try harder to be a good Anemo Archon? Well you could be a better devotee too... you could be more pious, more passionate, or... um..“

- Venti