Genshin Impact “Searching for Heaven’s Will” Tarot Cards

Genshin Merch

Regular price $79.90

Is it any coincidence that Acquaint & Intertwined fates are used for pulling on banners? That they are named fates?

That as with any matter that concerns fate, there is always a 50/50 chance most of the time? Either its fated to work or it doesn’t?

Now with these Genshin Impact tarot cards, you can divine your own fate and find out if you will lose the next 50/50 for your favourite character’s banner!

With these stylish designs and intricate artwork, you will never go back to regular tarot cards ever again.

With 26 different designs, fate divination has never looked so good!

But not to worry, Bennett is not included in the designs..

Whether you considered this your first stroke of good luck..

We’ll see..

This product has 4 different variations:
1. “Searching for Heaven’s Will” Badge Set A
- 13 badges

2. “Searching for Heaven’s Will” Badge Set B
- 13 badges

3. “Searching for Heaven’s Will” Tarot Cards Set
- Tarot Cards Set x 1 (26 different designs plus 4 blank cards)

4. “Searching for Heaven’s Will” Tarot Cards Premium Set
- Tarot Cards Set x 1 (26 different designs plus 4 blank cards)
- Poster x 2 (Venti & Zhongli)
- Scrapbook (Venti)

“Searching for Heaven’s Will” Badge Set A consists of 13 different designs:
1. Paimon
2. Childe
3. Yae
4. Fischl
5. Zhongli
6. Venti
7. Aether & Lumine
8. Eula
9. Noelle
10. Kazuha
11. Mona
12. Jean
13. Kokomi

“Searching for Heaven’s Will” Badge Set B consists of 13 different designs:
1. Hu Tao
2. Keqing
3. Albedo
4. Yoimiya
5. Diona
6. Qiqi
7. Klee
8. Raiden Shogun
9. Ganyu
10. Xiao
11. Diluc
12. Ayaka
13. Ningguang

“Searching for Heaven’s Will” Tarot Cards Set & Tarot Cards Premium Set consists of 26 different designs:
1. Paimon
2. Childe
3. Yae
4. Fischl
5. Zhongli
6. Venti
7. Aether & Lumine
8. Eula
9. Noelle
10. Kazuha
11. Mona
12. Diluc
13. Xiao
14. Hu Tao
15. Keqing
16. Albedo
17. Yoimiya
18. Diona
19. Qiqi
20. Klee
21. Raiden Shogun
22. Ganyu
23. Ayaka
24. Ningguang
26. Jean

Size (Tarot Card): 71mm x 135mm (7.1cm x 13.5cm)
Size (Badge): 58mm (5.8cm)
Material: Tin

“A fateful stone that connects dreams. Its glimmers can entwine fates and connect dreams, just as how its glimmer links stars into the shapes of a heart's desires.

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