Childe - Tartaglia “Fatui Mask” Keychain

Genshin Merch

Regular price $29.90

Tartaglia, also known by his alias “Childe”, is the most recent of the Harbingers of the Fatui, the Eleventh. His insatiable desire for conquest would be satiated in fighting for the Fatui, and his ever-burgeoning ego would gorge upon the elation of vanquishing mighty foes.

It was then, Ajax was chosen to be one of the Fatui Harbingers, donning the mantle of "Childe" Tartaglia and becoming one of the most powerful people in Snezhnaya.

Unlike what the rest of the world may think, Tartaglia was not born with his exceptional skills in battle. But he would never speak to everyone about that fateful encounter of his...

When he was 14, he fled his monotonous life at home. That 14-year-old boy would then get lost in the snowy forest. Pursued by bears and wolf packs, he lost his footing and fell into a bottomless crack in the earth's surface.

There, he witnessed the endless possibilities of another ancient world. There, he would meet a mysterious swordswoman... But that is a story for another time.

Childe welcomes any battle, any challenge. Confident that he will never be bested in battle.

The scarlet color of the Fatui Mask he wears is a reminder to his foes of their eventual fate.

Size: 70mm (7cm)
Weight: 31g
Material: Zinc Alloy


"This bears all the marks of that fellow who gallivants as he pleases across the continent with his ever-changing combat styles. Yet, his "Foul Legacy" was not originally his. Rather, it was taught to him by that solitary girl who dwelt in the darkest corners of the universe.

- Childe: Foul Legacy (Character Namecard)